Papercraft research- Li Hongbo

     Li Hongbo is a Chinese artist who designs and creates malleable sculptures using layers of glued paper that when manipulated, can distort and bend the piece in unexpected ways. 

    The reason I chose to review his artwork in particular is because I believe that it showcases the full artistic range and possibilities of paper as a medium. The sculptures take full advantage of the many unique properties of paper, including its malleability, weight, thickness, smoothness and delicate nature. I would go as far as to say that this type of artwork can only be created using paper. It takes an incredible amount of understanding and experience with a specific medium to be able to use it in such a way, which speaks to Li Hongbo's hard work and expertise as a paper sculptor. His dedication and patience is clear considering it takes several months to finish a piece.

The artwork itself is fascinating because it is subject to an infinite different ways of being viewed due to its complex flexibility. The idea of taking the appearance of traditional busts, which are usually sculpted out of different materials, and adding this unexpected element of complexity and fluidity is extremely effective in intriguing the viewer. Li Hongbo's artwork is an interesting example of a material and all its properties being used to its full potential.


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